Thursday, January 26, 2012

Song Story: LOOK EAST


This song is a promise song- it talks about how just as surely as the sun rises everyday in the east, so too will Yeshua (Jesus) come back for us. And what's more, the Bible says He will return through the East gate in Jerusalem... (this is a great article I found with more details about that) He is literally the SON rising in the east! A tangible picture to give us proof of an unseen truth.

This song had been simmering somewhere in the depths of me somewhere and came out in a flash. I didn't know what I was going to say before I starting singing, but as I started to play my "go to" chords (Am, F, Dm7- ahhh so nice), this melody and lyrics came out:

"my peace I give to you, not as the world giveth, give I to you"

and the chorus with it's strange C to Cminor came out without really thinking about it (think I learned that trick a long time ago from Joni Mitchell's song "Rainy Night House"- must listen to it).

I wanted to take some creative liberty and imagine that Jesus was speaking this promise to me- reassuring me that He was coming back for me.

In the bridge I respond to this promise by saying Psalm 24:7:

"Open up ye gates! Let the King Come in!!!"
"Baruch Haba B'shem Adonai"
(Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord)

I had learned this phrase months before I wrote the song- I read somewhere in Jewish culture, at weddings, they say "Bacuch Haba B'shem" Blessed is he who comes! as the groom is coming down to meet his bride. What a cool symbol of Yeshua coming to meet His Bride- all of us who believe!

After I wrote the song I was really excited, but then because it was so different, I feared no one would like it. I wanted to record it, but thought people might think I was crazy. But I pressed on and produced it with a very middle eastern vibe to match the way I was singing and the picture being set in Jerusalem. 

From the responses so far I guess my fears that people wouldn't understand it were unfounded. It seems to be one of the favorites on "Overcome" (the album that it is on). 

I hope it's message is a promise to you- that He is returning for you, just as sure as the sun rose this morning. Baruch Haba B'shem Adonai!

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